Arbitration and dispute resolution
Any property dispute arising out of the course of operations shall be settled by Mongolian arbitration in accordance with the...
Audit mechanisms - financial obligations
The government shall have the right to inspect and audit Storm Cat Energy Corporation's books of account and other supporting...
Storm Cat Energy Corporation (Storm Cat) shall pay to the government:
1) US$ 60,000 as a contract signature bonus;
2) US$ 250,000...
The parties shall maintain all documents and reports referred to in this contract as confidential and shall not divulge them...
Environmental impact assessment and management plan
Storm Cat Energy Corporation (Storm Cat) shall conduct an environmental impact assessment in accordance with the applicable laws prior to the beginning of Storm Cat's activities.
Environmental protections
Storm Cat Energy Corporation (Storm Cat) shall take the following measure necessary to protect human, animals, nature, national resource,...
Storm Cat Energy Corporation shall have a right to construct pipelines, bridges, roads, storage facilities, houses, landing fields, radio towers and communication facilities.
Local employment
Storm Cat Energy Corporation (Storm Cat) give preference in employment to Mongolian nationals provided they are suitably qualified and provided,...
Local procurement
Storm Cat Energy Corporation (Storm Cat) and its subcontractors shall give preference to Mongolian subcontractors so long as their prices...
The locations of Nemegt-VI and Borzon-VII are detailed in these annexes.
Production Share - Cost Oil features (basis of calculation, limits on cost recovery - e.g. as % of revenue or production, capex uplift, etc.)
Storm Cat Energy Corporation (Storm Cat) shall have the right to take and dispose of a certain quantity of coal...
Production Share - "Profit Oil features (triggers for variations in split - IRR, factor, production, etc .)
After subtracting the royalty and cost coal bed methane (CBM) the remaining quantity of CBM will be allocated between the...
Storm Cat Energy Corporation (Storm Cat) shall pay a royalty based on the price of the contract coal bed methane...
State agency, national company or ministry executing the document
The Petroleum Authority of Mongolia
The development period shall continue for a period of up to 20 years with the opportunity for two extensions of...
Storm Cat Energy Corporation (Storm Cat) shall pay to the government US$ 40,000 per year as a training bonus annually....
Work and investment commitments
Within 60 days after the effective date and at least 45 days prior to the beginning of each contract year,...
Signature Year
Type of Contract
Production or Profit Sharing Agreement
Open Contracting Identifier
Disclosure Mode
Security exchange
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